While most recently known for her ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rated Robotastic! books and her newest award-winning picture book Squirrels in Antarctica, as a standup comic, Sari wrote jokes for more than a decade. She briefly landed a job writing for Steve Harvey after her joke samples were described as "a bloodbath." Though unclear, Sari interpreted this as a good thing.
After dabbling in writing sketch comedy, which she studied at The Second City in both Chicago and LA, Sari discovered she really had a passion for storytelling. She has gone on to write over a dozen scripts: feature films, original pilots, short films, etc. Her feature script, Lab Rats, was recognized as a finalist by both the PAGE Awards and CineStory. Many of her short film scripts have gone on to be produced. Her jokes have been published in anthologies: She's So Funny and Squeaky Clean Comedy.
Spoiler alert: her act was not always so squeaky clean.
As such, she has written over a dozen scripts -- feature films, original pilots, shorts, etc. A number of Sari's short films have been produced, including: Without A Hitch and Little CEO 1, 2, and 3.
Accomplishments & Accolades:
Sari briefly worked for Steve Harvey.
Sari wrote jokes for Popeye's Chicken commercials -- as a lifetime vegetarian
Directing and filmmaking are what Sari is most passionate about. She has directed, written, and produced a variety of comedic projects. But instead of prattling on about it here, you may just want to check out her IMDb profile.
More on IMDbCredits:
Long Island Life Hacks - Web Series (Director)
Rent-A-Mom - Commercial (Director)
Pregnant Parkour - Short Film (Director)
Odd Jobs: Ups & Downs - Short Film (Director)
Little CEO 3 - Short Film (Director/Writer)
Little CEO: Riskier Business - Short Film (Director/Writer)
Little CEO - Short Film (Director/Writer)
Without A Hitch - Short Film (Director/Writer)
Comedy in Germany - Short Film (Director/Writer)
Her work has appeared at these film festivals:
Feel Good Film Festival, Giggleshorts International Film Festival, Las Vegas Film Festival, Broad Humor Film Festival, West Hollywood International Film Festival
Sari has been performing since she was a kid. She's played everything from the upper half of a giant, to a Nazi prostitute -- which was super awkward for a straightlaced half Jew. But when she moved to Los Angeles, her focus was mostly on improv and standup. She studied at Improv Olympic, Second City and Upright Citizens Brigade. When she decided to give standup a go, she had no idea that this would be her main focus for nearly a decade. She went on to do 300+ shows as a comic and got the opportunity to perform alongside many of her comedy heroes. She produced the acclaimed St. Nick's Comedy show as well as The Underground Lounge at the Hollywood Improv which touted A-List comedian lineups.
Sari has done standup in more than 300 shows in over a decade's time. Her humor has been described as smart, observational, and occasionally wry. She has showcased for HBO as well as several of the late night shows. She's performed in LA, New York, Chicago, Denver, and a handful of places in between. She's not afraid of any venue -- and has done standup in comedy clubs, bars, a laundromat, a homeless shelter, a synagogue, and more.
As a comic, she also produced a couple of live standup shows with some amazing comedians. One was at a bar called St. Nicks and touted regular lineups with A-List comedians. The other was at the Hollywood Improv called the Underground Lounge with even more great performers and some kickass drop-ins. Both the first and the last standup shows Sari ever produced had Jeff Garlin on the line-up. Try and explain that one.
Improv was Sari's first love. In high school, she taught a week-long class on improv games. She also worked with at-risk youth using improv as a coping tool. She has gone on to study at Improv Olympic, Second City, and Upright Citizens Brigade. She has performed with Todd Stashwick's Mayfly at The Chicago Improv Festival and has been in groups which performed here and there around town: Ass Rabbit, Oona, and Growler.
In high school, Sari performed in over 14 plays -- winning Best Supporting Actress two years in a row. It's all been downhill since then, except for the following awesome projects:
Rachel Kelley - Space Cartographers (Play)
Shorter Resident - Odd Jobs: Ups & Downs (Short Film)
Barbra - They Rise (Feature Film)
Vampire Anne Rice (Web Series)
Nurse - Modification (Short Film)
News Reporter - Little CEO: Riskier Business (Short Film)
Jolie - Without A Hitch (Short Film)
Sari (pronounced like "Mary") is a writer, filmmaker, and comedian based in Los Angeles. She has a background in improv and standup and has created content for film, television, digital, and print since the early aughts. She is available for writing, directing, performing, and miscellaneous punch-up. Not to be confused with miscellaneous punches (aka the explanation of her kickboxing injury). When Sari is not participating in humor, she is raising her 3 small children and has a keen eye for identifying which articles of clothing are on backwards.